Biology MCQs for Tests

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 Biology notes and mcqs are available with us. We daily upload new Biology mcqs for you. MDCAT, ETEA, KMU CAT, SST Bio Chemistry, SS Biology, SS Biology and Lecturer biology MCQs are daily uploaded here. 

-Biology Branches

 Immunology: An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurrence of disease in human population is? Immunology. 

Zoology: The field of specialization of famous Muslim scientist Abu Usman Aljahiz was? Zoology. 

Entomology: is study of insects. 

Classification of Organisms:

Groups: In how many groups the living organisms that have back bone are divided? 5 groups. Species: 5 million species of living things are discovered up to date. 

-Organisms: that produce their own food are producers, while that cant produce are Heterotrophs. Plants feeders are herbivores, meat feeders are carnivores, plant & meat feeders are omnivores. 

Population: -members of same species living in the same place at the same time make population. Mammals: highly intelligent mammals are dolphins. Mushrooms: -fungus Latin word means? Mushrooms. Fungi: -thread like structure in fungi are called hyphae. Bacteria: are prokaryotes. Smallest bacteria on earth is mycoplasma. -Pants: on sunny day photosynthesis rate increase. Green color of plant is due to chlorophyll. Red color is needed for photosynthesis from sun. 3 elements are needed for healthy growth of plants are N, P & K. At night plants intake oxygen & releases carbon dioxide. Oxygen source in photosynthesis is water. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Xylem structure helps in transport of water in plants. Cuticle structure prevent water loss in plants. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through root hair. Plant that grow in dry habitat are called xerophytes. Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system is? Plants. Plants bends towards source of light on account of movement known as phototropism. Bean shaped cells in plants are guard cells. Basic component of wood is? cellulose Plant Tissues: Phloem: tissue is found in plants. In most plants the food is transported in form of sucrose. Leucoplast are present in the underground parts of plants & store food. Vascular plants are termed as bryophytes. Pollination: is best defined as transfer of pollen from another stigma. Active Transport: movement of cell against concentration gradient. Algae: smallest plant on land. Poplar: woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp is of poplar. Fruits: Parthenocarpic fruits: are fruits without seed, like banana. Waxes: are widespread as protective coatings on fruits & leaves. Animals: -animal lacks cellulose. Cow: cow milk contains approx. 80% water. Cows are herbivore. -Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called ? Predator. Frog: scientific name is RanaTigrina. Kangaroo: has an abdominal pouch known as marsupial. Sheep: Dolly is the name of the ? First cloned sheep Birds: -largest living bird is Ostrich. Bird Flu: Bird flu is cause by the virus ? H5N1 Bees: Breeding and management of bees is known? apiculture Humming Bird: belongs to category called Endotherm. Sea Bird: Albatross is ? A sea bird. Fish: Fish lack lungs and breathe via? Gills Humans: scientific name is Homosepiens.-man can survive without food for approx. 1mon. shortest bone in human body is stapes. Vitamin-A,D,E & K (water insoluble) can be stored in human body. Vitamin-B & C (water soluble) cant be stored in human body. Normal temp of human body is 37C or 98.6F. Most sweet glands are present under armpits. Bile juice is secreted by gall bladder. The temperature of the dead body is ? Temperature of the place where it is kept. Two major gases that we exhale are ? Oxygen & carbon dioxide. Types of joints in human body is 3. % of water in human body 65%. Arteries: -Pulmonary Artery: contain deoxygenated blood. Nerves: -Abducens: The damage to the abducen nerve could result in the defect of the eye movement. Brain: -brain cell is neuron. –brain is enclosed in bony case called Cranium. -pituitary gland is situated below brain. The largest part of the human brain is ? Cerebrum. Brain only takes energy from ? Carbohydrates. % of water in human brain is 75%. Muscles: number of muscles in human body is 680. Strongest muscle in human body is Thigh muscle (buttock). Glands: Pituitary Gland: Which gland in the human body is called the master gland? Pituitary Lachrymal: Which of the following glands secrete tears? Lachrymal Bones: -no of bones in human body: 206. - How many bones are there in a newly born infant? 300 –human’s skull contains 30 bones. –which bone is present in forelimb? Radius –protein synthesis is not function of bones. –clavicle is called beauty bone in women. Tibia is a bone found in the ? Leg. What is the main component of bones and teeth? Calcium phosphate. Teeth: -fluorine is essential for proper formation of teeth. -wisdon tooth grow between age of 34-40. Digestion: occur in stomach. –Saliva help in digestion of Starch. Genes: -is smallest unit of heredity. -color of eyes is generated by genes. DNA: structure was first described by Watson & Crick. Blood: -human blood is divided into 4 main groups i.e. RBC, WBC, Platelets & Plasma. -total volume of blood in humans is 5-6 liters. –adult human being on the average has approximately 5L of blood. –blood formation takes place in spleen. -in blood there is 90% water. –blood looks red due to presence of hemoglobin. –metal involve in blood clotting is Ca. Vitamin that promote blood clotting is Vit-K. Vitamin that decreases hemoglobin production is Pyridoxine. Fluid part of blood is plasma. Normal pH of blood is 7.35. If we remove blood clotting proteins from blood it is called ? Serum. Blood Groups: universal blood donor is O-. Universal blood receipient is AB+. Total number of blood groups are 11. Types of blood: RBC: -are formed in bone marrow. -life of RBC is 120days. Graveyard of RBC is Spleen. People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a ? Have more no of red blood cells. WBC: provides immunity. Platelets: function is blood clotting. Detailed Topics: -Hemoglobin: The function of hemoglobin is ? Transportation of oxygen Organs: group of tissues doing particular job is organ. Stomach: In humans , most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the ? Stomach Spleen: filters blood in human body. Which is the largest Internal organ in the human body? Liver(1.5 kg). Which is the largest organ in the human body? Skin Kidney: main function is removal of waste from blood. Urine is produced in Kidneys. Blood is cleaned by Kidneys. Eyes: -eye specialist is ophthalmologists. -vision of eye is affected by presence of Rods. Sensitive layer of eye is retina. Outer layer of eyeball that forms the white color of eyes is Sclera. Small Intestine: digestion of food is completed in small intestine. Skin: is largest excretory organ of body. Heart Beat: during a day is 100,000. Human heart weight is 300g. Pulse rate: average is 72-80/min.  Diseases: - Deficiency of zinc causes loss of appetite and poor growth. Goiter: Deficiency of iodine results in? Goiter(swallowing of Thyroid). Color Blind: cant differ between Red & green color. Pandemic: The disease that breaks out on mass scale at the same time among humans is ? Pandemic Eye diseases: Trachoma is a disease of the ? Eyes. Myopia is a disease connected with eyes. Anemia/Thalassemia: deficiency of iron. –caused by decrease in no of RBC. Hepatitis: is related to Liver. Typhoid: germs enter via open wounds in Typhoid. Diabetes: secretion of insulin (from Pancreas) causes diabetes. It occurs due to malfunction of pancreas. Malaria: is a disease that effects spleen. Malaria parasite is discovered by ? Ronald ross Tetanus: is caused by bacteria. Pellagra: is a skin disease. TB: Tuberculosis affects lungs. Blood Pressure: noise pollution causes high blood pressure. During sleeping blood pressure of person decreases. Hemophilia: no blood clotting after injury is heredity disease. Allergy: When a patient’s immune system becomes reactive to a drug, this is an example of? Allergy Dengue: is transmitted by female mosquito called as Aedes aegypti. There is not approved vaccine for dengue yet. Arthritis: is name given to inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, swelling and restriction of movement? Arthritis Meningitis: is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi. Oedema: accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells leads to oedema. Emphysema: is most common respiratory problem in smokers. Agoraphobia: Agoraphobia refers to ? Fear of open places. Jaundice: Jaundice is the disease of ? Liver Medicine: -penciline is obtained from Fungi or its example of fungi. It was discovered by ? Alexander Fleming Vaccine: -polio vaccine is invented by Albert Sabin. Drug Abuse: Heroine: is drug which involves most risk infection of HIV (AIDS) virus when injected. Nutrients: -4 types of nutrients.  Vitamins: -total no of vitamins are 13. Vit-A: -its good sources are Green leafy vegetables. –its deficiency causes night blindness. Carrot is good source of Vit-A. Vit-B: -good sources of Vit-B complex are Seeds. -hairfall is caused because of deficiency of Vit-B & C. Vit-B helps in blood formation. B12: Many bacteria in our digestive system synthesieze vitamins eg B12.   Vit-C or Ascorbic Acid: - good sources of Vit-C are fresh vegetables & fruits. -Kidney disease is caused due to overdose of Vit-C. Vit-C deficiency causes Scruvy (Ulceration & loss of tooth) Vit-D: -the vitamin that easily synthesized by human body is Vit-D. its obtained from sun. Richest source of Vit D? Cold liver oil. Rickets: is caused by deficiency of Vit-D. Vit E: muscular & nervous disorder is due lack of Vit-E. Proteins: -muscles, tissues & blood all are made of proteins. Pulses (legume) are good source of proteins. Eggs and meat are source of ? Proteins All Enzymes are protein in nature. Non-protein part of enzyme is called Co-factor. –Amylase: enzyme digest carbohydrates. Carbohydrates: -most carbohydrates among vegetables are present in Spinach leaf. Which organic compound class have maximum calorific value? Carbohydrates. Banana contains ? Carbohydrates Iodine: good sources are sea foods. Iron: - The main constituent of hemoglobin is ? Iron. Iron metabolism in the human body is helpful for ? Hemoglobin Inheritance: -development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is common example of Inheritance of acquired character. Fats: Oils: -natural fats & oils are composed of Carbon, oxygen & hydrogen. Biotechnology: Fermentation: role of biotechnology in production of food based on fermentation. Yeast: is used in making bread because it produces CO2­.  Topics: -population: human population growth is greatest in developed countries because of the birth rate is high in developed countries. Seasons: monsoon is caused by seasonal reversal of winds. Environment: Pollution: If pollution increases then ? Length of day increases Green House Gas: is caused due to excess of CO2. Two major gases responsible for Green house effect are? CO& CH4 Experiment: On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendel perform his classical experiment? pea. Writers: Charles Darwin: Origin Of Species Is written by ? Charles Darwin.

Basics of Organisms:

Cell: Mitochondria is powerhouse of cell. It contains DNA, Cell Division: process takes place in mitosis. - Cell (dis by Robert Hook in 1665) is smallest, basic, unit of life & response For all life’s processes. They can replicate itself, hence building blocks. Each cell contain fluid (cytoplasm) with membrane. Cytoplasm Have biomolecules like protein, nucleic acid, lipids. Also cellular structure cell organelles are suspended in cytoplasm. Single cell organisms (unicellular), many cell organisms (multicellular). Smallest cell, Mycoplasmas. Cell organelle perform specialized functions to carry out life processes. Every organelle has a specific function. Each cell has 1 nucleus & membrane bound organelles in cytoplasm. Mitochondria, a double membrane-bound organelle is responsible for energy transactions vital for survival of cell. Lysosomes digest unwanted materials in the cell. Endoplasmic reticulum plays significant role in internal organism of cell by synthesizing selective molecules & processing, directing & sorting them to their appropriate locations. 

Types of Cells Based on Cells: 2 Types

 1- Prokaryotic Cells: have no nucleus, instead some prokaryotes eg bacteria have region where genetic material is freely suspended, this area is called Nucleoid. They are all single celled microorgani. Eg archaea, bacteria, cyanobacteria. Cell size: 0.1 to 0.5 micrometer in dia. Heredity material can either be DNA or RNA. Generally reproduce by general fission, a form of asexual reproduction. 

2- Eukaryotic Cells: have true nucleus, cells size: 10-100um in dia, eg. Plants, fungi, protozoans, animals. Plasma membrane responsible for monitoring transport of nutrients & electrolytes in & out of cells, its also responsible for cell to cell communication. They reproduced sexually & asexually (both). 

Difference between Plant Cell and Animal Cell:

Plant Cell vs Animal Cell: Plant cell have chloroplast, central vacuoles & other plastids while animal cell don’t have these. 

Cell Membrane: or plasma membrane -it supports & protect cell, control movement of substance in & out of cell, separate cell from external environment, its present in all cells, its outer covering of cell within which all other organelles such as cytoplasm, nucleus are enclosed. By structure its porous membrane (with pores) hence permit selective substances in/out of cell, it also protects cellular component from damage & leakage, it forms wall like structure b/w two cells & b/w cell & its surroundings, plants are immovable so their cell structures are well-adopted to protect them from external factors so cell wall helps to reinforce this function. 

Cell Wall: most prominent part of plant’s cell, made up of cellulose (is a carbohydrate), hemicellulose & pectin, its present exclusively in plant cells hence protecting plasma membrane & other cellular components, its also outermost layer of plant cell, its rigid, stiff structure surrounding cell membrane hence providing shape & support to cells & protects them from mechanical shocks & injuries.

Cytoplasm: thick, clear, jelly-like substance present inside cell membrane, most of chemical reactions within cell take place in cytoplasm, cell organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, mitochondria, ribosomes, are suspended in this cytoplasm. 

Nucleus: -life & activities of cell is controlled by nucleus. specific functions to carry out life’s processes e.g 1- Nucleolus: is the site of ribosome synthesis, its invaded in controlling cellular activities & cellular reproduction. 2- Nuclear Membrane: protects nucleus by forming a boundary between nucleus & other cell organelles. 3- Chromosomes: play crucial role in determining the sex of an individual, each human cell contain 23 pairs (46) of chromosomes. 4- Endoplasmic Reticulum: is involved in transportation of substance throughout the cell, plays primary role in metabolism of carbohydrates, synthesis of lipids, steroids & proteins. 5- Golgi Bodies: or cell post office as its involved in transportation of materials within cell. 6- Ribosome: are protein synthesizers of cell. 7- Mitochondria: also called “power house of cell” because it produces ATP – the cell energy currency. 8- Lysosomes: also known as “cell suicide bags” -it protect cell by engulfing the foreign bodies entering the cell & helps in cell renewal. 9- Chloroplast: are primary organelles for photosynthesis, it contains the pigment chlorophyll. 10- Vacuoles: stores food, water & other waste materials in cell. Cell Theory: proposed by German scientist Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schneider & Rudolf Virchow: …..

1. Exophthalmia is condition which results in:

a) Graves’s disease          

b) Goitre


d) Hypocalcer


2.Which of the following is manifestated in the production of abnormally large amount of urine?


a) Polyphagia    

b) Polydipsia


d) Polyuria


3. If too much growth hormone is released during the growth period it results in:


a) Acromegaly  

b) Crohn’s Disease


d) Graves' disease


4. Which of the following hormone is responsible for milk secretion after parturition?


a) Insulin             

b) Prolactin

c) Lactogen        



5.Which hormone is produced by thyroid in addition to thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)?


a) Thyroid-stimulating Calcitonin hormone  

b) Adrenocorticotropic

 c) Calcitonin

d) Gonadotropic hormones hormone


6.Which of the following is NOT a hormone of anterior pituitary?


a) Growth hormone       

b) follicle stimulating hormone

c) Oxytocin         

d) Adrenocorticotropic hormone


7.A person is about to face an interview. But during the first five minutes before the interview, he experiences sweating, increased rate of heart beat, respiration etc Which hormone is responsible for his restlessness?

a) Estrogen and Progesterone

b) Oxytocin and vasopressin

c) Adrenaline and noradrenaline

d) Insulin and glucagon


8.One of the following conditions is NOT linked to deficiency of thyroid hormones:           

 a) Cretinism         

b) Goitre

c) Myxoedema 

d) Exophthalmos


9. Which of the following conditions is resulted from excess GH in adults?


a) Cushing’s disease

b) Acromegaly


d) Diabetes mellitus


10.Which hormone regulates the kidney's retention of water?

a) Prolactin        

b) Oxytocin        


d) Vasopressin (ADH)


11.Which of the following hormones is not released by the anterior pituitary?

a) Melanocyte-stimulating hormone

 b) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone

c) Thyroid-stimulating hormone

d) Growth hormone


12.Parathyroid hormone acts to ensure in

a)            calcium levels in the blood never drop too low.

b)            sodium levels in urine are constant.

C)            potassium levels in the blood don't escalate.

d)            the concentration of water in the blood is sufficient.


13. The adrenal cortex produces.

a) adrenaline     

b) calcitonin

C) epinephrine  

d) aldosterone


14.Oxytocin is secreted by the endocrine gland named:

a) pituitary gland

b) thyroid gland

c) parathyroid gland

d) adrenal gland


15.Deficiency of vasopressin or ADH leads to:

a) Diabetes mellitus        

b) Diabetes insipidus

c) Goitre

d) Exophthalmic goitre


16. In human, melanocyte-stimulating hormone---------.

a) regulates primary skin colour

b) causes the thyroid to produce thyroxin

c) governs the rate of tanning

 d) concentration is very low







1.      Which of the following enzyme is released by the sperm?


(a)          Hyaluronidase   (b)          Trypsin


(c)           Helicase                (d)          Pepsin


2. Which of the following organelle helps the sperm to penetrate the ovum?


(a)          Acrosome            (b)          Zona pellucida


(c)           Megalis (d)          Tail


3. The hormone that is released from the testes is:

 (a)         Progesterone     (b)          Vasopressin


(c)           Testosterone      (d)          Thyroxin


4. Which one of the following causes the mammary glands to enlarge at puberty?


(a)          Testosterone      (b)Progesterone


(c) Estrogen (d) Oxytocin


5. The inner lining of the uterus is:


(a)          Cervix    (b) Oviduct


(c)           Endometrium    (d) Fimbriae


6. Where does fertilization normally take place?

 (a)         Cervix    b)            Vagina


(c)           Uterus  (d)          Oviduct


7. The process of sperm production takes place in the:


(a) Epididymis    (b)          Vas deferens


(c)           Prostate glands (d)          Seminiferous tubules


8. Which one of the followings secretes the gonadotropic hormones?


(a)          Adrenal               (b)          Anterior pituitary


(c) Posterior pituitary      (d)          Thyroid


9.Which one of the followings is incorrectly match edregarding male reproductive organs?


(a) Testes: Sperm and sex hormones are produced

(b) Epididymis: Ducts where sperm mature

C)Prostate gland: Contributes fluid to semen

d)Urethra: Contributes nutrients and mucus-containing fluid to semen


 10.Which one of the following events occurs in luteal phase (or secretor phase) of the menstrual cycle?

a) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion begins

b) Follicle maturation takes place

(c)           Corpus luteum forms

(d)          Endometrium breaks down


11.Embryo implants in the-‐---------- of the uterus

(a) perimetrium

(b) myometrium

(c)  endometrium            

(d) cervix


12.Which will occur as a result of no descent of the testes?           

a)         Male sex hormones will not be circulated in the body.

b) Sperm will have no means of exit from the body.

(c) Inadequate blood supply will retard the development of the

(d) Viable sperm will not be produced.


13. The corpus luteum is formed at the site of:

(a)          Fertilization         b) Ovulation

c)Menstruation (d)          Implantation


14. The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that

 (a) during spermatogenesis two more polar bodies are produced.

 (b) the mature ovum is haploid while the sperm is 2n.

c)spermatogenesis involves mitosis and meiosis, but oogenesis involves meiosis only.

d)in oogenesis, one mature ovum is produced, and in four mature sperm are produced.


15. The uterine layer which is shed with each monthly cycle is

(a) endometrium.            

(b) perimetrium.

(c) tunica albuginea.       

(d) myometrium.


Multiple Choice Questions,


1. If a male inherits a sex-linked gene for colour blindness------------.

(a) it will only be expressed 25%

(b) it will never be expressed

c)it will be expressed only if two copies are present

 (d) it will always be expressed


2 The pattern of sex determination found in drosophila is:

(a) WZ-ZZ type

(b) XY-XX

 (c) X0- XX

(d) Compound sex



3.Which of the followings is male in grasshopper?

(a) XX    (b) XY

 (c) X      (d) Y


4. The female in butterflies is:

(a) XX   

(b) XY

(c) X0)  

(d) x


5. Which of the following is true for Drosophila sex determination?

(a) Males are produced by presence of Y chromosome

(b) Females are produced by presence of Y chromosome

(c) Two X chromosome will always produce a female

 (d) Two Y chromosome will always produce a male


6. Sex-linked genetically inherited traits:

 a) Can appear in both males and females

b) Are only found in males

 c)Are only found in females

 (d) Are found on autosomes


7. Y-linked traits are inherited:

a) Only by females

b) only by males

c)By both males and females

 d)But not expressed


8. Harmful X-linked traits are

(a) inherited only from mothers.

(b)  numerous then Y-linked ones

c) most likely to show up in the phenotype of daughters

d) most likely to show up in the phenotype of sons


9.If both dominant will and recessive alleles are present for a given trait the allele expressed will be:

(a)          autosomal          

(b)          dominant

(c)           somatic

(d)          recessive


10. The form of inheritance in which the heterozygous state is expressed as an intermediate is

(a)          incomplete dominance

(b) polygenic inheritance

c) sex-linked inheritance

(d) multiple-allele inheritance


A person who inherits the A and the O



 11.blood type alleles will possess which blood type?


(a)          A            

(b)          AB

c)           B             

(d)          O


12.Why males tend to inherit more sex-linked characters?

a) There is no corresponding allele on their Y chromosomes

 (b)There is no corresponding alleles on their X chromosomes

c)They have two X chromosomes

d)They have two Y chromosomes


13.A permanent change in the genetic structure of a gene is called:

(a)          Translocation    

(b)          Linkage

(c)           Mutation            

(d)          Nondisjunction


14. Traits that display continuous phenotypic variation are usually determined by this form of inheritance:

(a) Sex-linked inheritance

(b) Multiple-allele inheritance

(c) Incomplete dominance

 (d) Polygene inheritance


15.Heterozygous individuals that can pass on recessive, abnormal conditions even if they do not express the disease are referred to as:

(a) Deleterious donators              

 (b) Carriers

c) Zygotic

d) Phenotypically challenged


16. Genes are that located on the same chromosome are said to be:

(a Crossed

(b) Syncopated

(c) Linked            

(d) Dominant


 17. In the human blood type AB, the alleles are:

(a)          Dominant           

(b) Polygenic.

(C)          Sex-linked           

(d) Codominant


18.The universal blood donors for the ABO system are type:

(a) A

(b) B

(c) O      

(d) AB


18.Heterozygous parents who have had one child with a recessive disease will still have a------------ chance of their second child being born with the same recessive disease.

(a)          75%      

(b)          25%


(d)          50%


20.A cross is made between parents with genotypes AABB and aabb. If there were sixteen offspring, how many of them would be expected to exhibit both dominant characteristics?

(a)          25%      

(b)          50%

(c)           75%      

(d)          100%


1.The protective coat which surrounds the embryo is known as:

 (a)         Amnion

(b)          Chorion

(c)           Allantosis            

(d)          Chorio allantoic


2.The outer layer of the blastocyst, which later attaches to the uterus is:

(a)          Deciduas             

(b)          Trophoblast

(c)           Amnion

(d)          Inner cell mass Identical


3.                  Identical twins result from the fertilization of:

(a)                One ovum by one sperm              

(b)                One ovum by two sperms

(c) Two ova by two sperms

(d) Two ova by one sperm



4.    The most important hormone in initiating and maintaining lactation after birth is:

a)  Estrogen       

(b) FSH

(c) Prolactin

(d) Oxytocin


5.After fertilization the zygote goes through a rapid period of cell divisions called---------------?

(a) implantation

(b) organogenesis

 (c) basculation

(d) cleavage


6.The process that transforms the embryo into a three-layered stage is:

(a)          Sedimentation  

(b)          Blastulation

(c)           Cleavage             

(d)          Gastrulation


7.Which of the following structures is formed from ectodermal tissues?

(a)          Brain     

(b)          Muscles

(c)           Skeleton              

(d)          Bones


8. Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?

(a)          Respiratory gas transfer

(b)          Urine formation

(c)           Hormone production     

(d)          Nutrient transfer



9.The hormone that induces labour and controls labour via a positive feedback mechanism is:

(a)          Oxytocin              (b)          Progesterone


(c)           Estrogen              (d)          ADH


10. Prolactin causes-------------.

a) myometrial contractions and milk let-down    

b) uterine contractions only

c)milk production by the breast tissue

d)increased thyroxin excretion during the first month of pregnancy



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